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I blend intuitive energy work with spiritual connection in my coaching.

By tuning into subtle energy fields, I can identify and remove blocks while bringing your vibration into alignment.

I lovingly call the spiritual guidance I channel "Saul & Co." They are highly evolved beings of energy and light who compassionately empower me to read energies and access inner wisdom for my clients' highest good.

Working with my intuitive team allows me to see the big picture of what you need physically, emotionally, and spiritually to thrive. Together we'll release limiting patterns and tune into your soul's purpose using customized energy techniques.

Dr. Mary’s Top 3 Energy Influences

  • 2008  Introduced to Saul | My Higher Self came through from Non-Physical during an Energy Read | drmarycurtis.com

  • 2012 Introduced to Abraham | Group Consciousness from Non-Physical teaching Law of Attraction | abraham-hicks.com

  • 2014 Introduced to Seth | Original You Create Your Reality Personality from Non-Physical | sethlearningcenter.org


Dr. Mary’s Full Timeline & Path



A name I call my Self. Saul is a Non-Physical part of my Higher Self that translates vibrations for me.

I know that sounds weird, hang with me…


& Co

A name I call Non-Physical Energy Friends that translate vibrations for me.

Weirder…I know.


Born Mary Elizabeth Wendt, November 24 in Pierre, South Dakota

My Lawyer/Judge Dad and Nurse Anesthetist Mom were my best mentors by teaching me to follow the beat of my own drum.

Can they hear me drumming NOW?



Extra Sensory Perception, elementary school project

I wanted to be able to do that with friends.

How does it work?



Multiple Personality Disorder, high school paper

The stories were amazing and very curious.

How is there more than one personality in a body?



Dr. Curt Kuehl

I had my life-changing first chiropractic adjustment at age 17 as a gymnast. It was amazing how much better I felt and functioned.

There is something to this chiropractic thing!



Pierre T.F. Riggs High School Graduation

Move to Brookings, South Dakota

To attend South Dakota State University (SDSU)



World Religion Class

This class changed my entire mental status around ALL religions. I was so linear in my thinking that I went off the scale of faith completely.

None of this makes ANY sense! God or Gods?



Bachelor of Arts Degree (B.A.)

In Graphic Design from South Dakota State University (SDSU); Spanish minor, with Highest Honor

Moved to Rapid City, South Dakota

As a new graphic designer, I KNEW this wasn't it, now what?


Drs. Robin and Dan Lecy

One day in their lobby I felt like a ton of bricks "bonked me on the head" as I heard and sensed the phrase "you are/will be a chiropractor" rattling in my skull. The verb tenses were blended, the voice was strong, and I stood up and I walked up to the desk and asked, "how do I become a chiropractor?" A new door was opened for me.

Suddenly I trusted loud inner voices?



Moved to Marietta, Georgia

To finish some pre-requisites to attend chiropractic school.



Life University, College of Chiropractic

I (re)discovered the Universe and some faith by learning about the body's "Innate Intelligence"  and "Universal Intelligence" on day one.

I'm home - this stuff makes sense!

Dr. Sid E. Williams

He was a student of B.J. Palmer, another major influence on my young chiropractic mind, and he was the founder and president of Life University. Dr. Sid would drop his keys in our assemblies to show us the gravity-like consistency a chiropractic adjustment makes EVERY time. He spoke at seminars about waking up without an alarm clock, by telling your "inner you" to arise at certain time the next day. I became a believer.

What is Sid talking about, a part of us that we can tell what to do and it does it?



Dr. Wendy Rod

This was my first time seeing and learning how muscle testing gives feedback from the mind and Energy regarding what the body wants. Her special care and trust in her approach gave me confidence.

How can she know this about me without me speaking to her?



Dr. Arno Burnier, Master Piece Training Camp, and Mastery | Love | Service Technique (MLS)

This paradigm-shifting experience was my beginning with light-touch chiropractic. I looked through a completely different lens into a new world and I loved it. I learned how to "ground, center and open my heart" with intention before I placed my hands on anyone. Dr. Sue Brown of Bio Geometric Integration (BGI), and Dr. Lou Corletto of BGI Osseous became mentors for trusting my instincts. I had another clairaudient experience at camp. We were silent hiking and I could clearly pose questions to myself and hear the answers in my head. The answers were in my voice, but were not seemingly from me. My curiosity was piqued again.

Who am I chatting with? How is the answer "just there"?


Met John Curtis

I met John the week before I was moving across the country, and we absolutely clicked.

So this is what people mean when they say, you “JUST KNOW”!


Moved to the Bay Area, California to attend Life Chiropractic College West



New Beginnings, Chiropractic Philosophy Weekend Seminar

This New Jersey seminar was a pivotal training for me, and I even walked on fire.

How did I do that? Mind over matter?


Sylvia Browne, Psychic

In one of her books she asks skeptics (me at the time), to ask for a rose from someone you don't know within 48 hours as proof from the Universe as to the existence of Non-Physical. The next day a girl in class made something out of paper and handed it to me. I asked her what it was and she responded that it was a rose. I asked her why she gave it to me and she said, "I don't know".

What? Someone or something had heard my request?



Dr. Arlan Fuhr, Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT)

This approach gave me the clinical certainty in adjusting I was looking for. Each spinal segment was individually tested for alignment which gave me the precise information of where to adjust (or not).

The body can communicate with me by giving me a "Yes" or "No" every time - I can do this!


Dr. Patrick Gentempo, formerly of Chiropractic Leadership Alliance

He showcased the science of his Subluxation Station technology, and became one of my favorite mentors for chiropractic philosophy and abundance mentality.

He taught the power of thought with, "It's all in your head", and he is right!


Doctor of Chiropractic Degree (D.C.), Cum Laude

I graduated from Life West College of Chiropractic, Hayward, CA. President Dr. Gerry Clum's chiropractic program was the perfect West Coast finish to my East Coast beginning.


Moved to Rapid City, South Dakota with John Curtis

Home is where my heart is.


The Masters Circle, Chiropractic Coaching Company:

Dr. Dennis Perman & Dr. Bob Hoffman & (formerly Dr. Larry Markson); coaches Dr. Lori Zeller, Dr. Shelly Levine, Dr. Susan DeVito, Dr. Alan Rousso

This group taught me the ropes of the chiropractic business and helped me in preparing to open Vitality Chiropractic. For seven years this family gave me the wings to trust my process by introducing me to the best people and vibes in the business with personal growth and networking seminars all over the country.



Opened my practice, Vitality Chiropractic

A dream came true! I did all instrument adjusting with Activator, shared tons of health education and vibrated LOVE to everyone.



Married John Curtis

Dreams do come true!



Practice, Practice, Practice at Vitality

My adjusting art was getting better and I was connecting really well with patients. I didn't realize that Spirit was trying to talk to me, even though I was secretly talking to Them! The signs were everywhere that I was "waking up", but I was still in denial about my True Self.



Anna B., Energy Reader

Anna B. blew my mind open. How did she connect with and hear my transitioned Grandmother, who knew about the shoes I wore 3 days before? They were patent leather and I hadn't worn them in 2 years. Why did this Energy called Max show up in my office? A child patient asked me about him the week before, "Dr. Mary, who's Max? He's here and he's a ghost. WHAT?!” Anna B. said Max was an Energy helper of sorts, and was short for “Maximum Input”, and that I had asked for him. What? I couldn't understand that. I was so shocked that Non-Physical was IN MY OFFICE to help me! HELP me?! At the end of the Energy read, Anna B. turned into a different person. She was suddenly a man-sounding person, who said his name was Saul. I was freaking out so much I missed half of the message and my note-taker friend was frozen with her mouth open. I now know that Saul is MY Saul, my SOUL, and he came in strong and told me that I have a "plan past chiropractic waiting for me, just relax and be patient." I’m still appreciating that first read, it changed my life!

How did Anna B. KNOW all of that personal information?


Dr. Tedd Koren, Koren Specific Technique (KST)

I had heard of KST at chiropractic seminars, and I kept waking up in the middle of the night with the thought, "I need to learn KST". Dr. Koren’s approach taught me how to communicate with the entire body with a form of muscle testing. Soon I molded the concepts into my own system. I began asking the patient questions mentally and getting answers via a place to adjust or outright hearing the answer in my head. I started to connect with my intuitive side even though I didn't understand it. It was thrilling and terrifying that I could tap into patients and be correct. People were getting better and loved it!

Who or what is doing that? How is this possible?



Mary Maisey-Ireland, Life and Business Coach

Her steadfast sunshine was just what I needed. She introduced me to Abraham-Hicks and many alternative thoughts. I KNEW there was something to these Vibes I was feeling. She had such an open space for me to share the Energy changes going on with me and always helped me see my light in my Awakening.



Oprah Winfrey

She started having people on her show that were open-minded and gave me a feeling of connection.

I knew I was going in a new direction and she was showing me a way. Later, I found a great interview of Abraham-Hicks on a podcast that Oprah did. It brings so many things full circle and more mainstream for me.

If Oprah can talk about it, I can, too!


Marla Vinke, Energy Reader

It was so amazing to receive personal and clarifying input in my NOW. She helped me see my potential and opened my eyes to impulses I was unable to process myself.

Yes, you are an intuitive. This is just how some of us incarnate: aware of and open to our connection with Source! You are part of that Chain, Mary!



Louise Hay, Spiritual Teacher, Author

The references to her You can Heal your Life book were everywhere in my life; in my own body, with patients on the table, and in magazines. I saw it, and I started to put it together. I had her "Power Thought Cards" and I could tell that my health and life philosophies were changing, I was starting to lean more toward the mind and Energy in every thing I did.



Abraham-Hicks, a Group Consciousness from the Non-Physical Dimension

They are received by Esther Hicks and inspired by her husband, Jerry Hicks. A day at a time I watched the Law of Attraction in Action video series. I got it and I didn't. I felt it and I fought it. There was something so familiar there, yet it seemed to contradict everything I had been taught. But it didn't. I listened and practiced that extensive series to change my focus until I "GOT IT!"

I'm connected!



Martha Beck, Spiritual Teacher, Author

Her "Finding your Way in a Wild New World" book met me in the middle. She made this all look so awesome and easy!

There IS a whole world out there of open-minded people that I can play with!



Seth, Essence Personality from the Non-Physical Dimension

The Seth Speaks book and other Seth material was received and authored by Jane Roberts and transcribed by her husband, Rob Butts. For me, reading this Seth book was like drinking from a fire hose, I literally had to put the book down sometimes. The more I read, the more my mind would open while I was waking up to these truths. He teaches EVERYTHING I have been wondering!

What do you mean Time is all happening all at once?


Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astrophysicist

Cosmos: a Spacetime Odyssey, the TV show, gave me some amazing perspectives on how the "Science world" actually explains the "Energy world" via Nature.

Polar bears will naturally evolve to Brown bears when their climate changes?



Dr. Wayne Dyer, Spiritual Teacher, Author

I had connected with his energy via his "Inner Peace Cards". I started to listen to him online and see him on PBS and really got his message. He was also in active connection with Abraham (-Hicks).



Eckhart Tolle, Spiritual Teacher, Author

I appreciated his "clean energy". His writings were so complete that I could feel the growth happening as I interpreted his work. He was a steady stream of calmness and awareness for me. More recently, I listened to his 2008 "A New Earth" series with Oprah and felt enormous resonance.



Matt Kahn, Spiritual Teacher, Author

His "more love, not less" concepts regarding self and ego moved me to connect deeper with myself. He also teaches to talk "as" consciousness, not "about" consciousness.



Sold Vitality, my practice of 13 years and over 50,000 one-on-one chiropractic sessions

Dr. Kent Sifford was a match for my creation and connection with so many amazing people. I trusted and passed the torch on my first business. Kent and Heather, my office manager of 10 years and lifelong friend, made the transition smooth.



Alan Watts, Philosopher

Alan came along on my You Tube feed and I was hooked. This "Zen Guy" explained Oneness so clearly - I loved his effortless style and excitement for teaching.


Launched drmarycurtis.com

Development of this dream has occupied my heart and mind for years, and now it's a reality! Thank you for being here with me to enjoy this process! Xoxo, Mary


Training with Russ Ruffino, Business Coach

Learning the online ropes with a master is a gift. To have one with a heart of gold is even better. I knew I wanted to get OUT to YOU all and the help of this man and his team made all the difference on my path and he is likely why you are reading this now!


The Energy Game

My opus training and coaching program, The Energy Game, was birthed years ago, but got legs in the online world this calendar year. Meeting new intuitive, empathic women to help on the path is the best use of my skills to date. I love to read Energy with YOU and train YOU how to do it for yourself to be the best you possible!


Obsessed with Service

I love this life! Expanding me always expands what I offer. I feel this up-leveling as it’s happening and the results from clients are exponential! Staying in The Energy Game always makes LIFE sweeter - because there are ups and downs for us all - so being clear and balanced in advance is the BEST prevention!


Experienced the Northern Lights

Universal feats are incredible to witness. I was able to see the Northern Lights two times from my backyard. Living in South Dakota can have some unique perks and this was one that will stick with me forever!


You made it this far…

Here are a few of my favorite things.

Blue Water


John Curtis and I

Love of my Life



Provo, Turks & Caicos


Being Silly

Because it’s fun!



At Home






And a Sunset






In my Heart


i love you

Energy Art